This will be filed away in the "She's a total religious crazy, but still a good photographer" file.
Today, I drove to the temple with Anna and Miles in tow. Despite getting lost and having to call my RS President for help (she's got one of those fancy GPS systems in her car... we're also friends, Hi Debbie!), we made it. But guess what. It's Monday. The distribution center (which is why I was REALLY going there) was closed, as was the temple. So, with Miles dead asleep in my arms, Anna and I walked around the temple grounds for a couple minutes.
We sat down on a curb. I asked Anna what she wanted to do. Her simple reply, "Sing 'I Am A Child of God'." So we did. And I couldn't help but feel a couple of tears fall. Just yesterday I had explained to a friend that despite being very active in the church, I was feeling spiritually inactive. Like I just couldn't care less one way or the other. But today, sitting on that curb, I felt my Heavenly Father wrap His arms around me and my daughter for a brief moment. The simple request of a child, who I'm sure was feeling the love of her Heavenly Father too.
Now, to bring it back to Earth. Shortly thereafter, Anna told me she needed to use the potty. The Temple was closed. The Distribution Center was closed... and lest we be smitten for peeing on the grass (Anna's request) on Temple Grounds, we high-tailed it out of there.
And because it wouldn't be a photoblog without photos (and sorry, I didn't take my camera to the Temple.)
Miles, who I never get good pictures of:

And hey mom, doesn't he look like Adam here?: