I think I've confessed to quite a few addictions on here. But today, I'm announcing my favorite addiction.
SHOPPING. My fingers get all tingly when I see something new that I'm just dying for. So now, I'll be linking you to thinks I love. And maybe you guys will benefit... and actually buy something I'm dying for! If you do, please tell me...
Tiny Baby Shoes! This particular pair is already sold, but check out all her sold stuff... adorable! Killing me!
This totally rad camera bag. My current bag is stuffed to the gills will equipment. Unfortunately, it's a 6 week waiting period (at least) for one of these. I have placed an order, and I'm being patient.
Ok, not really something I want to buy... but something I want to make. But I'll need to buy more fabric first... Yo-Yo heaven.
When I see this fabulous pincushion, I can sense a new obsession.
Ok... well, etsy is it's own obsession. What do you need? and love? link me up!
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Monday, July 30, 2007
Friday, July 27, 2007
Thank you to everyone!
129 entries! I was totally overwhelmed! I honestly feel bad that I can only give a dress to one you!
These are actual pictures from the drawing...
and the winner!
Which happens to be Rachelle! Congrats girl! Email me! (I already emailed you!)
This was really fun... I think I'll do it again soon. Keep your eyes out.
These are actual pictures from the drawing...

This was really fun... I think I'll do it again soon. Keep your eyes out.
Watermelon=Summer, right?
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
GIVEAWAY CLOSED! I'll be back at 1pm with the winner! Thanks for playing!
Just playing along with all the cool girls. Shannon, at Rocks In My Dryer, is hosting a huge giveaway extravaganza. As of this post, there are over 400 people giving stuff away. Go check it out.
In the meantime, I'm giving away something too! I made this dress for Abbie:
It's a sweet little pillow-case dress. And while I'm not giving away this dress, I have one more adorable pillow case just begging to be made into a dress. I imagine they will fit a little girl from size 12m to about 6... that's just a guess. After I select a winner (on Friday), I will contact that person and get a height measurement and make up the dress! Seriously takes me about 15 minutes. And then it will be in the mail to you.
International entries accepted! Also, just leave a comment. (Compliments accepted... though they don't earn you extra points, sorry.)
For all those of you that are wondering where I learned to make this... go here.
Simple as pie!
EDITED TO ADD: The drawing will close at about 11am EST on Friday. I'll announce the winner around 1pm EST.
Just playing along with all the cool girls. Shannon, at Rocks In My Dryer, is hosting a huge giveaway extravaganza. As of this post, there are over 400 people giving stuff away. Go check it out.
In the meantime, I'm giving away something too! I made this dress for Abbie:

It's a sweet little pillow-case dress. And while I'm not giving away this dress, I have one more adorable pillow case just begging to be made into a dress. I imagine they will fit a little girl from size 12m to about 6... that's just a guess. After I select a winner (on Friday), I will contact that person and get a height measurement and make up the dress! Seriously takes me about 15 minutes. And then it will be in the mail to you.
International entries accepted! Also, just leave a comment. (Compliments accepted... though they don't earn you extra points, sorry.)
For all those of you that are wondering where I learned to make this... go here.
Simple as pie!
EDITED TO ADD: The drawing will close at about 11am EST on Friday. I'll announce the winner around 1pm EST.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Monday, July 16, 2007
Things I haven't talked about.
But not for lack of thinking about them.
So, Miles is a mystery. Or was. He's about 22 months old and has exactly two words. "No" and "Yeah". So, I was getting quite nervous. Here's a rundown of how things went.
1. Take him to the pediatrician. They don't think there's a problem but humor my intuition and refer me to have him developmentally evaluated.
2. Take him to be evaluated.
3. At the evaluation, they do a hearing test. They find that he has a "mild to moderate hearing loss, probably conductive." Meaning that they thought he had an ear infection or at the very least fluid in his ear. This is news to us. The child's never had an ear infection in his short life.
4. They also find him to be developmentally delayed in the area of speech only. We qualify for speech therapy twice a week.
5. Take Miles back to the pediatrician that very afternoon to see if he's got an ear infection. Two different doctors check him. No infection. They refer us to an ENT with Nemours. I love Nemours. Basically a group of pediatric specialists... the best ones in the nation. We've actually now seen two of their specialists and I couldn't be more pleased.
6. Our doctor at Nemours says that Miles basically has constant fluid in his ears which is preventing him from hearing the way he should. Recommends a myringotomy (aka tubes in his ears).
7. This morning, bright and early (6am), surgery completed. The simplest procedure ever. I was a little disappointed that it didn't take longer as I was fully occupied in the waiting room with People's Sexiest Man issue.
Our hope is that this hearing issue is what is causing the speech delay. Hopefully, now that the hearing is not such an issue, he'll be able to catch up on the talking. Even just a "mama" would be nice!
And you totally have to follow the link above to see the freaking cute picture of Miles on Matt's blog.
So, Miles is a mystery. Or was. He's about 22 months old and has exactly two words. "No" and "Yeah". So, I was getting quite nervous. Here's a rundown of how things went.
1. Take him to the pediatrician. They don't think there's a problem but humor my intuition and refer me to have him developmentally evaluated.
2. Take him to be evaluated.
3. At the evaluation, they do a hearing test. They find that he has a "mild to moderate hearing loss, probably conductive." Meaning that they thought he had an ear infection or at the very least fluid in his ear. This is news to us. The child's never had an ear infection in his short life.
4. They also find him to be developmentally delayed in the area of speech only. We qualify for speech therapy twice a week.
5. Take Miles back to the pediatrician that very afternoon to see if he's got an ear infection. Two different doctors check him. No infection. They refer us to an ENT with Nemours. I love Nemours. Basically a group of pediatric specialists... the best ones in the nation. We've actually now seen two of their specialists and I couldn't be more pleased.
6. Our doctor at Nemours says that Miles basically has constant fluid in his ears which is preventing him from hearing the way he should. Recommends a myringotomy (aka tubes in his ears).
7. This morning, bright and early (6am), surgery completed. The simplest procedure ever. I was a little disappointed that it didn't take longer as I was fully occupied in the waiting room with People's Sexiest Man issue.
Our hope is that this hearing issue is what is causing the speech delay. Hopefully, now that the hearing is not such an issue, he'll be able to catch up on the talking. Even just a "mama" would be nice!
And you totally have to follow the link above to see the freaking cute picture of Miles on Matt's blog.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
JULY Special!!!
I have been so unbelievably thankful for your business in the past year... my first year in business! And as a MAJOR "Thank You" to my past customers, I'm doing a special just for you!
I know that there are many times when my clients would like to order reprints, but the $25 republishing fee for your gallery is a deterrent. For the month of July, I am offering to republish any gallery of pictures taken in the last year for FREE. As an added bonus to you, I am offering 20% off a $50-99 reprint order, and 30% off a $100+ reprint order. Reprints are valued at my current pricing. Your gallery will remain online for a two week period.
If you have an interest in having your gallery republished for FREE, please contact me!
And again... THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!
I know that there are many times when my clients would like to order reprints, but the $25 republishing fee for your gallery is a deterrent. For the month of July, I am offering to republish any gallery of pictures taken in the last year for FREE. As an added bonus to you, I am offering 20% off a $50-99 reprint order, and 30% off a $100+ reprint order. Reprints are valued at my current pricing. Your gallery will remain online for a two week period.
If you have an interest in having your gallery republished for FREE, please contact me!
And again... THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!
Saturday, July 14, 2007
No restraint.
I can't help myself. Lately, I've been a sewing maniac. Besides the dresses I made last week, I helped a friend make pellows (intentional misspelling) for her house on Thursday. Then today, on a whim, I whipped another dress out, following this awesome tutorial.

Free tutorials on the internet? Pretty much my favorite thing ever. Got one? Send it over! I love making stuff!

Friday, July 13, 2007
The Haircut Story.
Most of you probably know where this is going...
We've had a beast of a time getting Anna to grow any hair. She was FINALLY!!! getting some lovely curls and a bit of length and I was able to put it in tiny pigtails.
It was adorable. Like this:
Well, how can you possibly know what possesses some children to grab hold of scissors and go at each other?!? Needless to say I caught Abbie clipping away at Anna's hair. She had clipped off every one of Anna's tiny curls and taken a couple of big chunks off the top. In a very not so rational and rather angry moment, I grabbed the scissors, grabbed a big chunk of hair in the back of Abbie's head and lopped it off. Now, let me add that Abbie had already cut some of her own hair, so it was already going to need to be fixed, but yeah... I was pissed. I cried.
So, yesterday, we took both of the girls in to Nancy, my stylist. I explained the situation, leaving out the part about me and my irrational behavior, and begged her for help. For poor Anna, there really isn't much we could do, except just even it up. So, she's back to looking rather boyish. (Tears!!!)
and the back... the really sad part.
And frankly, I wanted Abbie's haircut to be painful. Draw emotional blood. Leave a mark. I know! I'm mean! She did cry off and on all day when I mentioned that it'd have to be cut and probably SHORT (courtesy of the mom-hackjob). I even made Abbie pay for the haircuts out of what was left of her birthday money. She has to work off the rest of the money in chores. Hard ones.
But, in the end, Abbie's haircut came out looking SO STINKING CUTE. And I'm kindof annoyed. I really wanted it to look bad as punishment. Is that so wrong?!
She wasn't real pleased with me taking these pictures. Can you tell? It's a chin-length bob that's sharply stacked in the back. Basically the hairstyle I'm aiming for (almost there!). The best part is that Abbie's got great hair for this cut. I don't have to do a thing and it just falls into place. Love that.
We've had a beast of a time getting Anna to grow any hair. She was FINALLY!!! getting some lovely curls and a bit of length and I was able to put it in tiny pigtails.
It was adorable. Like this:

So, yesterday, we took both of the girls in to Nancy, my stylist. I explained the situation, leaving out the part about me and my irrational behavior, and begged her for help. For poor Anna, there really isn't much we could do, except just even it up. So, she's back to looking rather boyish. (Tears!!!)

But, in the end, Abbie's haircut came out looking SO STINKING CUTE. And I'm kindof annoyed. I really wanted it to look bad as punishment. Is that so wrong?!

You decide...
I'll blog something tonight, but you guys have to decide what.
1. my baby brother's senior pictures
2. the haircut story
3. the anthill in my van
1. my baby brother's senior pictures
2. the haircut story
3. the anthill in my van
Monday, July 9, 2007
So unfair.
It was the most amazingly wonderful and relaxing vacation I've had in a LONG time!!!
Just such a wonderful change of pace! And it was pure cruelty to have to come home. You see, my parents live on about 1.5 acres of prime gorgeous Pennsylvania countryside. They have 2 dogs (big dogs!), 2 cats, 6 chickens and a gecko. They have a tire swing, a kiddie pool, and a big yard with lots of sticks. Really, what more could any kid ask for? We went blueberry picking, attended a country market, had a bonfire, watched an outdoor symphony concert followed by fireworks and took a LOT of pictures.
I'll share just a couple, but don't be surprised if I feel the need to share more later.
Miles can blow bubbles! (Miles needs a post all of his own... maybe tomorrow. Lots going on with that kid!)
My grandparents. Prayers if you have them for my grandma. :(
Finished these dresses (tutorial courtesy of Erin).
Love them!!!
This is my brother, Jarom, swinging Abbie around like the feather-weight she is. You'll be seeing more of Jarom later, as I took his Senior pictures.
Just such a wonderful change of pace! And it was pure cruelty to have to come home. You see, my parents live on about 1.5 acres of prime gorgeous Pennsylvania countryside. They have 2 dogs (big dogs!), 2 cats, 6 chickens and a gecko. They have a tire swing, a kiddie pool, and a big yard with lots of sticks. Really, what more could any kid ask for? We went blueberry picking, attended a country market, had a bonfire, watched an outdoor symphony concert followed by fireworks and took a LOT of pictures.
I'll share just a couple, but don't be surprised if I feel the need to share more later.

Love them!!!

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