Ya know how certain things just take you back to your childhood instantly?
For me, it's things like my mom's homemade on the wood stove hot cocoa. Or the words "Wham Bam" which instantly brings up memories of holding a pillow to my chest and running full speed across the room into my brother while yelling, "WHAM BAM BODYSLAM!" Yeah, maybe we shouldn't have watched the WWF.
For Christmas, I got a little caught up in the idea that I wanted to buy my children more meaningful, long-lasting gifts. I purchased
this and
this for Abbie & Anna, respectively. I absolutely love Hearthsong. Their toys are original and inventive and they require kids to use their imagination a bit more than say, Bratz dolls (GAG!). However, we ended up getting Freecycled some great used bikes and we just seemed to have an overload of gifts. I decided to hold onto those two and give them to Abbie for her birthday.
Good move.
Today was a day off of school and Abbie literally followed me around asking me to teach her the String Games. I obliged. I taught her "The Broom" and
Cat's Cradle. This is actually like shooting myself in the foot, since I'm the only one with the manual dexterity to actually play it with her. She's LOVING it.

The Broom. And raise your hand if you recognize this one:

I spent many, many hours perfecting these and wonderful others like Jacob's Ladder... which I haven't successfully taught her yet. Maybe tomorrow.