We don't actually get out all that often... surprising? Meh.
We've been to Disney once. We drove out to Sarasota. We've been to the beach a couple of times... though not since May. We just tend to stick around here. We have lofty goals of going to the Keys... or Miami, so we can be brutally murdered on the street... whatever.
But when guests come to town, you have to entertain. So, we headed to St. Augustine for the day on Saturday. The historic part of the town is really beautiful and totally fascinating!
We went to Castillo de San Marcos where we got the watch them fire off some cannons. We enjoyed listening to one of the Park Rangers give a bunch of information... and got to wander around the fort. We learned a lot of stuff we didn't know and felt that the educational part was totally worth the $12 (total - kids were free) to get in.
Then we walked along old St. George Street. We got to see the Oldest School house and the Cathedral. All in all, it was a great experience.
Matt took a lot of pictures of the Park Rangers, who were dressed in authentic Spanish Soldier garb, and of the old buildings. Somehow, that doesn't appeal to me, AT ALL. I think I'm broken that way. So, I took my usual shots of the kids. If you'd like to check out some of the buildings, etc, you can head on over to Matt's blog. He'll have them up, eventually.

You know it's no wonder you keep poppin' kids out at the rate you do. Each one is so stinkin' cute what other option do you have? You're making the world a better (looking) place.
And if that's true, then Heidi and I have to have a few more judging by the handsomeness of our own boy. Not braggy at all am I?
GREAT photos!!! AWesome color- and their expressions are wonderful :)
What cuties.
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