Dear Seven,
I have to admit, I'm a bit scared by you. But I'm more scared for you. You're wise beyond your 2555 days.

Yet you're still my baby, as evidenced by the fact that you let me cradle you in my arms and snuggle into your neck.

You're fiercely independent in one moment and desperately needing mom the next.

You're a very intelligent girl, Seven. I want you to keep learning and growing. Gain as much knowledge as you possibly can. But never forget to rely on the arm of the Lord. Do not discount faith. It's importance and prevalence in your life is where your happiness will truly come from.

Seven, I need you to listen...

This world is only gonna get harder, and scarier, and meaner. Always, always remember that I love you. Never forget the things that your Father and I are trying to teach you: compassion, sincerity, patience, & a willingness to clean up after your own darn self.

But please, don't be afraid to be a kid. Don't be afraid to show your goofy side.

Seven, you seem so much older than I would have thought possible. We have the ability to trust you to make good decisions (most of the time).

Keep doing that. We like that. Don't get sidetracked by all the meaningless fluff this world has to offer, Seven. Keep smiling. Keep hugging. Keep us close.

Your mom.