1. We joined the YMCA. I took Miles and Lucas to an Itty Bitty Sports Class. In case you were wondering about how A. Nerdy and B. Tiny my Lucas is...
3. Please pardon my extremely weird child. This reminds me of the fact that there's a mom whose child attends Preschool with Miles. She has a bumper sticker on the back of her car that reads, "WEIRD LOAD." I am fairly certain I need that bumper sticker... and I would TOTALLY put it on my car.
4. Same day. When nature calls, eh?
5. Right after I discovered that my children had left the garage freezer open for over 24 hours, thus ruining everything in it... I discovered Lucas as such... it brightened my day just a teensy bit.
6. Sometimes I knit stuff that never makes it to the blog. This is one such case. I knitted a square that is being included in an afghan for my local yarn store. They will be auctioning it and donating the proceeds to some such charity. 
7. Libby loves herself some electronics.
8. Chinatown, NYC & Boba. Mmmm.... Also, how hot is my husband?
9. At Crumbs. Notice that each cupcake was $3.75. Yowza.
9. Just outside the Manhattan NY LDS Temple. If you weren't looking for it, you'd like miss it.
10. Ew. A concoction from the bowels of Abbie's imagination. I decided to let her make it. Two layers of rice crispy treats, covered with blue frosting (her favorite color) and strawberries. It was uh... nasty.
11. Lucas enjoying his payday Friday lunch. McDonalds at Walmart. I actually really hate both places.
12. Back to school haircuts for both Abbie
and Anna.
13. For kicks, I scribbled this moustache on Lucas. Good thing it was dry erase and came right off.
14. I like to pretend like we're potty training. We're not.
15. Check out these awesome shoes my sister sent for Libby. So so Cute.
16. Abbie came to me at about 1am. She told me she couldn't sleep. I told her to go read her scriptures. Yeah. It's like that for me too.
17. Negligent mother uses her cell phone to take first day of school picture of her oldest son. (((LOSER!!!)))
18. Why yes, I do take knitting everywhere with me, why do you ask?
19. Not to be outdone, Abbie demanded I teach her how to knit. I did. She made this...
20. My husband loves himself some fire engine red skinny jeans. I love my husband.
21. Ever watch the worlds most spastic reader? She cannot and does not sit still. She might start out sitting like a normal person, but within a minute or so, she's flipped herself upside down... she fell off the stairs immediately after I took this.
22. I love learning new knitting stuffs! More to come on these!!
23. An impromptu campout in our back yard. It rained. A lot. By 11pm, all of our children were tucked into their beds. Matt slept outside anyway.
I hope you enjoyed that. It's a real load off my phone.
That was a fun post to read, I especially love the peeing outside, since that happens a lot here...
I like these more than a lotsa.
Ah, first laugh of the morning came with the picture of Lucas and his tiny pasties! Thanks for that!
love it all. it's a fun little insight into your life :)
--sabra the stalker
I loved it!
Love all the photos! I need to take more photos of ordinary moments. I love the 4th of July hair doo. Makes me want a girl even more.
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