Part of the reason I was SO excited about buying a home was the possibility of a garden. Growing up we ALWAYS had a large garden. Did I say large? I meant HUGE garden. Lots and lots of tomato plants. Green beans. Peppers, peas, carrots, broccoli, and my favorite: Zucchini.
No, I'm not kidding. Sweet lovely zucchini cookies, breads, sauteed zucs. Mercy!
Unfortunately, we moved into our home about a month too late to start a real garden. What's that you say? It's still snowing in your backyard? What you need to know about FL's growing seasons is that there are three. The "summer" growing season actually starts in February and at the latest, early March. So, by the time we moved here, it was too late for my precious zucchini. The reason you have to get started so early here is because the sun become beastly quite quickly. By the end of May, you've basically just got your tomatoes left.

So, that's what we're doing. Tomatoes.
We've also got a lovely little herb planter going on: Sweet Basil, Cilantro, and just today I bought some Chives.

I have to tell you how much happiness it brings me to go out there and water my plants every day. Communing with nature and all that.

This last picture has me totally excited.

These are my baby grapefruits. Each of these pea sized green balls will, hopefully, be a delicious grapefruit eventually. I'm already drooling.
Seriously can't wait for the October growing season! The planning starts now!