I can admit that I haven't been great at taking pictures lately. Sometimes I'd rather just enjoy the moments we're having. But as an afterthought (as in, I had to run back into the house to get it), I grabbed my camera. Good thing too.

Yeah, we're a little white trash. We're embracing it. And as a frame of size reference, that onesie is a 3-6 mos.
He's so tiny! What a sweet pic!
I love after dinner walks! And I cannot get over how little he is! The great thing is that everyone probably assumes he is brilliant and amazingly mobile for his age. (: (Of course he IS brilliant and amazing in EVERY way, right?!)
How cute! Lily's going to pass him up soon--she's outgrowing her 0-3 month onesies.
I always tote my baby around wearing just a onesie. Are they supposed to wear more?
It's been so hot and humid around here, who wants wear clothes!
My son looks longingly at that bike trail every time we go over to Jax for a burger. My sister works in a salon over there too! We live right by Big Tree Park! Told you we were close!
Enjoy the cooler evenings while you can, the mega heat is coming! GO MAGIC!
What a cutie. Is he seriously that tiny? Holy cow.
Can't believe he's in a 3-6 month onsie, can't wait to see him and Kaleb side by side next time we visit! Miss you guys!
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