If you have children, then you know that eating spaghetti or any other noodle dish can be quite messy. This is where you thank me for not showing you how Lucas eats his Ramen.
Exhibit 1: Miles

Sorta uses his fork, but mostly just sucks it up as though he's a Hoover.
Exhibit 2: Anna

Very adept with her fork, but still must lean over the bowl so as not to have the "Ramen beard."
Exhibit 3: Abbie

Here you can see that we've moved on to impressing her peers. That's right! My girl can use chopsticks! Bravo, Abbie!
Me? I like Miles's method.
i am very impressed with abbie's skills!
at our house, we like ramen and mac n cheese mixed together. ghetto ramen, we call it. and it is delicious.
Ramen and mac and cheese mixed together? I'm intrigued.
Ditto on the mac and cheese. Actually we take the powder cheese from the mac and cheese box and mix it with the ramen, just like your making mac and cheese (you know with milk and butter), and just shove the spice packet for the ramen back in the pantry to use for something else. And we add veggies too. So yummy. Cameron just eats it up.
my nate eats it like miles. parker has tried to eat it and when someone told him it was like worms, he barfed. he hasnt eaten it since.
i wont eat it because when we were little we ate alot of raman (when we werent having italian-which was sunday, tuesday and thursday) and i just cant do it now.
love it. way to go abbie.
Ramen is a favorite in our house too. Gotta love the jumbo pack at costco.
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