This was another test-knit for a knitwear designer. It was an absolute delight to knit. Plus, I got to use a yarn that I've never used before and absolutely fell in love. MUST HAVE MORE YARN. I think this week, I'll have to take some pictures of my yarn stash so you can laugh at my "need."

Yes. More cables on the back. And the sleeves. I was actually asked to knit the size 8-9. Abbie is teeny. So, even though she's 8.5, she really only wears a 6/7. So, admittedly the jacket is a bit long on her. But I actually like the longer length... it gives it more of a swing coat feel, I think.

Overall, I think it's great. I *almost* wish it was for me, except for the part where I'm not really into nautical cables for adults who aren't on a boat. Sue me.
love it love it love it love it.
and the length is perfect. I think it looks great on her. the color, the design. love the four-botton thing going on.
really, love it.
I love it! I think the length is perfect! I bet that would look adorable with a dress too.
I just started learning to crochet. It has been fun watching all of your wonderful knit projects. When my 10yr old daughter saw this sweater she was amazed that you had crafted it. She loved it. Great job.
Love it. And although you followed a pattern, all your knits have a very you vibe. Hey, here a couple of yarny related sites you might like:
(1) www.planetpurl.com (based in Orlando, free live online classes, patterns, meet the desinger, etc)
(2) www.letsknit2gether.com - great video interviews with designers, yarn fairs, tutorials, etc.
(3) http://oiyi.blogspot.com/ - blogger, knitter, weaver, awesome.
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