I am sick and tired of not being able to find exactly what I want in the way of Sunday clothes for me... so I've resorted to sewing my own. This fabulous skirt cost me less than $12 and that includes the price of the reusable pattern. Love. Abbie is so jealous that she has requested I make her some church clothes too.

Lucas is crazy! One moment he's got you laughing your heart out and the next moment you're tearing your hair out. Yes, it feels a bit bipolar. He's 3.5 and I'm ready to ship him off to college most days.

Abbie decided to get brave on Black Friday and broke her arm. Awesome. In all actuality it wasn't that bad as far as injuries go. Nothing to do to set the bone, cast for four weeks. She had it removed on December 22nd right before we left for our Christmas vacation to Pennsylvania.

Speaking of Christmas... every year I make each of my kids a handmade gift from me. This year, Anna was the big winner. She received this sweater. The Pattern is Gondry. She loves it. Me too.

I took the time, even though I am not a big fan, to make sugar cookies with my children. I ended up enjoying it so much that I made a second batch a couple days later. Yum. I've been converted.

Libby, sporting her handmade by mom Christmas present. She loves her little hat. Wears it all the time.

For any of you out there who are on Operation HowLongIsAlissaGrowingHerHair. The answer is still longer.

Abbie and I won a game on New Years Eve. Toothpicks and Marshmallows. It was a blast.

And then while I was at a totally sweet Goodwill in Roanoke VA, I scored this vintage American Tourister bag for $2.99! I love thrifting.

My Christmas present from me to me. Love these mittens and I would absolutely knit this pattern again. Can't recommend it highly enough. The pattern is Wintergreen.

And Lucas wears his Christmas hat which was knit entirely on the trip. I started it in Florida and finished it in Pennsylvania. Space Invaders themed too. Fun stuff.

Miles took some time this week to design a bunch of inventions. This was my favorite. Apparently, he felt it would be helpful to me.

And finally, this week I put on my big girl pants and learned how to make curry. It was yummy.
I hope you enjoyed this random smattering of goings on in our world.
I want a skirt, too! And my little Miles Andrew can't believe you knit all those things! "They look like they came from a store, Mom!"
And my older one Jacob is the one who makes me feel bipolar as well.
The spank-o-matic is hilarious, and it looks like your curry looks great! So are you a curry convert or is it just to appease Matt? :)
what is the pattern for libby's hat?
And my dream is coming true. I would like to think you posted this just for me.
You look fabulous in that skirt and growing out your hair. You don't have any baby weight left on you, do you?
Love all your knit stuff, and I may need to borrow the spanking picture. I tell my kids we are going to the 'spanking place' all the time. Now they could see what it looks like.
Um... LOVE the skirt! so impressed and your great thrift find-you go!
Enjoyed this post immensely! Thanks for the update and I totally love the skirt. Too bad I have no torso.
LOVE the skirt! It looks fabulous on you! And all the knitty goodness is amazing. But my fave? The Spankomatic.
Love the skirt!
Spank-o-matic…. bahaha!
Fabulous skirt! what pattern did you use?
Love the Spank-o-matic. LOL! Cute pics. :)
You're skills and creativity amaze me again! I wish only to be half so cute and self-reliant. I have knitted a thing or 2 for my kids and they have liked them for the most part. Problem is my boys are so darned opinionated that after all the time I put into something homemade they'd toss it aside cause they don't like it. Wish they'd let me style them up without a fight.
Also, love the hair. Looking good!
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