For the first time, in 5 pregnancies, I tested Group B Strep Positive. I don't actually know what this means, except that it causes the mother to require two doses of IV antibiotics given 4 hours apart, approximately 4 hours before the baby is born.
My labors are short. As in 1.5 to 3 hours start to finish short.
So, I think you can imagine our concern.
Wednesday, February 24th @ 9:30am -- OB Visit
I had really hoped to not make it to this visit, what with my plans on already having given birth and all. Such is life. And birth. I went with the boys in tow, knowing full-well that they would likely be getting an eyeful. Poor kids.
First let me say that my midwife, Susan, is awesome. She went ahead and checked my cervix. 5cm! Oh boy. Not in labor, but walking around at 5cm dilated. We're on dangerous ground here as it's very likely at this point that I will not only not be able to get the antibiotics in time, but also could possibly not even make it to the hospital before delivering.
It was decided after some contemplation, to have Susan strip my membranes. Hopefully, this would put me into early labor and get my body really ready. Done and done.
Went and ran my last few errands (Target! of course) and went home and cleaned and organized and cleaned and organized. At 4pm, Matt came home from work and we dropped the kids off with my friend JoAnn and set on our way to the hospital. But first, we went to have The Last Supper. You know, our final meal alone together before this child makes proper dating nearly impossible.
We arrived at the hospital at 5:30 and were admitted immediately. I had my IV antibiotics started and sat having randomish contractions about 15 minutes apart. Now being hooked up to monitors and sitting in bed is not my preferred labor experience. But, remember, I wasn't IN LABOR. So, I sat in bed! I played Sudoku and facebooked. I read blogs from my phone. Matt napped (that's pretty much his labor theme).
At 9pm, my midwife informed me that she'd be breaking my water shortly, giving me the second dose of antibiotics and then seeing what happened. I would, of course, be free to get up and walk, use the birthing ball and even get in the jacuzzi tub! Bring it on!
So, at 9:30, Susan checked me (6cm) and they broke my water. I needed to be monitored for a couple minutes after they broke my water to insure that the baby wasn't in distress. Immediately, my contractions went from 15 minutes apart and annoying to 3 minutes apart and slightly more than annoying. By the time I had received my second dose of antibiotics it was 9:45pm and I was having to pause in my conversations with Matt to breathe through contractions.
At 10:00pm, I remember looking at Matt and telling him I'd changed my mind. Of course, this was a good sign. He predicted she'd be born in an hour and a half. I knew better. I knew I couldn't do another 1.5 hours of this pain level... and I remembered that it gets alot more painful before it becomes instantly, LESS painful. I told him she'd be born by 10:30p. He laughed.
My guttural groaning/pushing during contractions had my midwife come running from another room at 10:15pm. In no time flat, the room was transformed into one prepared to host a baby! I was instructed to go ahead and push when I felt my next contraction. As if on cue, a contraction started. I pushed. And suddenly, there she was! Like clockwork. 10:26pm. True to my prediction.
It was exactly how we had planned it. I was able to receive the antibiotics necessary to keep Libby healthy, I was able to deliver with my midwife (who was only on call on THAT day), and I was able to have the natural delivery I wanted. Granted, a 45 minute delivery doesn't give one time to do extravagant things like "labor in the jacuzzi tub" or even say, "walk around." Overall, I can't complain.

What I leave out is mostly me writhing in agony and probably some swearing. But, only I need to remember those things (good birth control)!