But, I'm still babymooning. I think it helps that he's teeny. I can still pretend he's a newborn. Sorta. Except that he's trying to sit, and roll over and all that. I mean, he is easily fitting into 0-3 month clothes still. Despite my efforts to nurse him longer and more often, he remains rather scrawny. So for size reference. A picture of Matt holding him while eating dinner.

But as I said, he's making efforts to roll over. He is totally successful from his belly to his back, but can't really figure out the other direction.

Sidenote: Have I mentioned that I'm kinda sorta, a fan of stripes? It wasn't obvious? Appalling. Also, thank you Sheri for that adorable shirt! I sent a note, didn't I? Please say yes.
Lucas really is a fantastic kid, especially if you don't mind drool. I'm not sure if my other kids were just blessed with less drippy mouths, but I certainly don't remember this level of salivation.

Seriously, I need a bib. For me. Oh, I guess they call that a burp pad. Whatever. I'm rather soggy most of the day.
And I know I mentioned this in my last post devoted to him, but this kid's hair is hilarious.

It totally looks as if we cut it like this. I promise you, we did not.
And I think that wraps up this week's round of Lucas pictures. Stay tuned till next week!
Oh my gosh, how cute is he?! I love stripes too. When my now-six-year-old son was baptized, he had a pair of striped Gap pants on underneath the Baptismal gown. I nicknamed them Party Pants. When our daughter was baptised a few months ago, I promised my Mom I wouldn't put Party Pants on underneath her gown. No fun! :)
yah, he's cute.
He's totally worth all the posts and pictures!
And yes, you did send a card.
Uterus aching. He's adorable. I could look at pictures of him all day.
His hair! Freaking love it! And yay for scrawny babies!
I have to say, he is pretty darn cute! All your kids are adorable.
We loved PA and I assume you loved growing up there! Absolutely beautiful!
Your last several posts were all great. I particularly liked the back to school commentary! Also, I'm gonna have to visit your food blog! I need some renewed enthusiasm.
it's me again, how in the world do you get your pictures to have the professional quality? you more than likey have a nice camera, not a point and shoot LOL! very gifted.
we lived in PA for about 8 years, just moved to Chicago about 2 years ago. you should email me.... spasm5 at att. net
love to talk to you more
never tire of pics of him! love the stripes, too.
tiny + stripy + drooly = CUTIE!
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