Every year, I make each of my children a handmade ornament so that when they get married/move away from home they'll have a nice little set of ornaments for their first tree.
That's the plan, anyway.
This year, I decided on some fabric fortune cookies I had seen on
this blog, and holy cow! I love them!
So, let's get started shall we?
Here's what I used:
1/4 yd felt (I used a 30% wool felt blend)
1/4 yd coordinating fabric (I used a Christmas flannel)
Pinking shears
I traced the bottom of a quart sized paint can onto my fabric. I used a fabric marking pencil, but you could easily use a regular pencil or pen because you cut the edges off anyway.

I layered one felt circle with one fabric circle and had my daughter (who is 7 and desperately wanted to help) pin the center and four points around the edge. I had her pin it mostly to give her something to do, but also so they wouldn't wiggle around too much while I stitched them together.

Then I sewed them together using whatever seam allowance it is to the edge of my presser foot (you can tell that I'm totally a professional).

Then, using my awesome new pinking shears, I cut around my circles. Don't cut too close to your stitching!

Now, fold your circle in half with the patterned fabric side being on the inside. Estimate the center (I guess you could measure, but where's the fun in that?!). Stitch about one inch down the middle, leaving it unsewn at the top and bottom (oh just see the picture!). Note: I moved the presser foot away from where I'd sewn so you can see. Also, it can't hurt to backstitch over it a couple times.

Now, this is the part where it looks complicated, but once you've got it in your hands, you have a *lightbulb* moment. Simply, fold/flip the edges over.

And it'll look like this:

Do it to both sides and it'll look like this:

Play with the folding and shape until you get it the way you want it. Then cut yourself a four inch-ish piece of coordinating ribbon. Loop it and sandwich it inside the corner of the cookie.

Now, stick it back under your machine and stitch the ribbon in place. I tried to stitch on my original seams to keep it clean looking.

And voila! You're done!

Making one took me about 8 minutes. So, go to it!

Make a bunch. Some ideas I had:
They could be used for advent!
Attached to a gift with the "To/From" inside
Make a set and stick them inside a takeout box as a gift set for a friend.
Add fortunes.
My intention is to add a slip of ribbon or paper (sewn in) with each of my children's names and the year on them.
But freak! if they aren't the cutest ornaments on my tree right now!