Abbie and Anna would approach the lane and almost LOB the ball. I just know if someone was tossing bowling balls on my hardwood floors, I would NOT be happy.

I foolishly didn't think that Lucas would be all that interested in bowling. Really. His favorite word is "ball". Duh.

So, Matt sacrificed a couple of his frames (although, lets be honest... not the best bowler) to Lucas.

And Miles, well... Miles is of the age where he wants to do it all himself. Hefting the 6 pound ball out there, and shoving down the lane... which takes about 2 minutes to reach the pins. But what he lacks in ability, he makes for in enthusiasm, right?

No pictures of me. But you can imagine the stares an 8.5 month pregnant woman might receive at a bowling alley. (Insert joke about smuggling a ball here.)
And for the record... I totally won.