What's Going Down

Friday, January 5, 2007

January 5, 2007

A photo a day. Not an original idea, but by doing so, hoping to create an original picture (or 365).

My favorite shot from the park today. I have a ton of other favorites, but with this shot, I could really feel the movement, the glee of swinging...


Alissa said...

just making sure this works, lol

Tara said...

LOL at your test! I love the feel of this!

Christina said...

What a great moment captured. I really like the stop action and I'm completely jealous of the flip-flops & shorts. :)

Julie ( THE Queen of TyPo'S) This chic can't spell!!! said...

Love the different view with the swing. It's darn hot here for this tine of year, wonder what the summer will be like lol.

Nicole said...

This is a fun shot-makes me wanna run to the playground!

Nicole said...

My photo of the day today was a swing shot also! Yours has a great perspective...thanks for the inspiration!

Unknown said...

What a great take on a swing shot! I love it. :)

heidi~r. said...

Great Capture! Love the perspective!!

Monica said...

I love the photo... the perspective that it's taken from leaves me wondering..is she smiling, laughing, gazing ahead...

Great job!!

Leah said...

What a fun shot, you did a great job here.

Anonymous said...

Fun Shot ~ Love the perspective!

Maggie said...

So sweet...I love it!

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