I'm seriously giddy! Today, I received this picture in my email inbox:

Click to see it bigger. See that kid? Well, here. This one:

Yeah, that one. That's my kid. A couple of months ago,
Kathy Wolfe advertised that she was looking for some kids willing to be photographed for a Nikon project she was doing (they had to be located in or around our area - lucky us!). Since she's a major source of inspiration for me, I jumped at the chance. Not only was it totally awesome getting to see Kathy work and see her fabulous photographs of my children, but it was just a really cool experience in general getting to meet someone that I admire intently.
(P.S. Kathy, I'm totally not a stalker! Ok, maybe I stalk you just a little... but only on your blog and flickr and your website... that's it. I promise.)
Well, it has been several months and I honestly haven't thought about it until today. Apparently one of the images of Abbie that Kathy took made the box for the
Nikon D40.Which from what I've heard/read, is a fabulous camera. I can't begin to tell you how stoked I am. I'm off to Best Buy ASAP! If you go, and you see Abbie... do a little happy dance for me!
YAY!!! That is so cool!!!
Super cool!
How cool!!!!
That's so cool!!
Love it!
Very cool!
You should get a free one of whatever it is that comes in that box.
that is totally cool! that girl is beautiful, knew it wouldn't take long for her to be modeling for something :) congrats
WOW!!!!! How cool is that!!!!! :)
Can I get her autograph?
Congrat's! That's great!
How could they not use her. She's just so cute!
I saw that box at Costco. I will have to look closer next time. What a cutie
That is so cool!
doing the happy dance with you! How freaking cool!!
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