Since we've been renters for the last uh... ok. We've always been renters. Basically, I haven't ever really made the effort to decorate. And I have to admit, my mom was not a decorator. Sorry, mom. But she didn't know anything about tablescapes and color combinations and well, basically anything. So, I don't exactly have a strong background.
I'm a n00b! I've spent a bunch of time researching and getting inspiration.
What Matt and I have learned: we have the complete opposite decorating style. He leans toward contemporary/modern (BORING and COLD), and I'm more a Pottery Barn/Crate & Barrel type girl (warm and inviting). I will give you one guess on who will win this battle. (Hint! The person who spends more time at the house.)
In my excitement over having an actual place to live, I created this for the Living Room:

And yesterday at Target, I bought these on 75% off Clearance for the Kitchen.
Except the yellow will be a more muted tone.
Anyone have any ideas? Or websites they love for decorating inspiration? Or favorite decor blogs? Bring it on!
what the crap is a tablescape?
yeah... I'm no decorator either.
you are going to have so much fun! The design blogs in my reader right now are: retro renovation, bloesem, desire to inspire, design mom, decor8 and design sponge.
If you are looking for some fabulous pillows you should check out my sister in law's etsy shop-meringue designs.
If we ever stop renting and I actually decorate-I'm buying some. How fun for you guys!
I like design mom. most of the time.
I usually just find stuff randomly and then forget where I found it, but I am liking this site right now for fun ideas.
And this post in particular I have to try somewhere with photos instead of boxes. I figure since you are so great with photography, you should do one as well. The possibilities are endless.
My decor is pretty much the kiddie kind. You know, bright plastic toys strewn everywhere....all the time! It's getting better as they get older, and now it is leaning towards the hand-me down decor. Good luck. I love what you picked out so far.
So, so fun!!! I have a file of photos I've torn out for one day when I'll get living in the same space for more than a year. I also, love the color scheme. When I did give decorating a shot those are the colors I used because they go great with black, browns, and tans, well, I guess anything goes with those colors...anyhow, it made for a very breezy feel.
Have a ton of fun!! I look forward to magazine ready pcitures!
The livingroom layout is really cute, and I love the colors for the kitchen. I have/had those colors in mine and Kirsten's rooms and bathrooms. So exciting to decorate isn't it! So happy for you two!
just a tip that worked well for me, in both helping me organize my decorating ideas and in passing the "waiting to close" time: get a prebound scrapbook, like the classic kind that are notebook style (you know what i'm talking about, right?) and put eveything in that. I love to look at mine that i worked on even now. have i mentioned how excitd i am for you???
I'm certain you'll make your new place look amazing.
I'm not sure which blogs I have in my reader, but you can rest assured that whenever a good project comes up, I'll send it to you.
I would like to decorate my house some day but I think we need to finish it first. I don't know where I get these silly notions.
Have fun with it!
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