Please ignore the still unpacked box and that hideous floor lamp. It's all we've got till we can settle our lighting disputes. We like to dispute. You didn't know?

Also, if anyone has some brilliant idea for the top of that bookcase/wall between the curtains, we'd appreciate it. I was hoping for a large portrait of each kid, but we're still unsure.

I want to rehang the curtains so you can't see the rods... not loving them on the ring clips so much. I tried moving the ring clips down on the curtains, but then they don't hold onto the fabric so well. Helps?
We're undergoing the slow conversion from reds to greens and blues. Be patient while we mismatch?
I know nothing about ring clips.
I do, however, adore red and limey green together. I like it as is. I also like blues and greens together, so I'm sure I'll like that too.
Mat small pictures in big frames w/ a really large mat. Like a 4 by 4 pic in a 12 by 12 black frame and the mat is white and the pics are in color or bw's. I just saw that in some magazine and it looked really good. Also, I like the curtains.
ditto Char...word for word, lol
Looking great. I can't tell - do the curtains have a hemline at the top? It seems that maybe you could just hand stitch (really tightly) the clips along the hemline. (???)
Wierd! My word verification is copicat....so I'm wondering now...
Take your time. We have been 'settled' in our house for years and everything is still pretty much mismatch. Oh well.
You should totally put pictures of your kids in that empty space. I am just finishing up my final project for photography and I plan on hanging it above my TV. I am stoked.
But no spoilers yet.
I would do one large photo, maybe a 16x20, in a larger matted frame. Too many small pictures will be too busy and hard to see.
Do black and white! It will come across very ageless and artistic! Plus, it will pull out your black accents and furniture.
I, too, like the idea of one large photo, piece up there. Maybe even a huge clock. I like big clocks.
Also, nicely done on the curtain height! I hate when they don't quite reach the ground. Yours are exactly how I like 'em.
Personally, I think that wall real estate is too high above a natural eye level for art or photos.
I would put a large wall clock. Or (if you're a traveler or have a lot of family and friends spread around the country/world) several smaller wall clocks with funky labels underneath indicating various time zones.
I love the curtains, but I had the same problem with my ring clips. Also, I found that my kids could pull the curtains off the rings when holding onto them as toddlers.
Try "Use What You Have Decorating" by Laurie Ward, and also "Seven Layers of Design", by Christopher Lowell. Those two books helped me the most when I was redecorating my house.
I hate the floor lamp too. :) One point for you. We'd been married ten years before we tried to buy our first large peice of furniture together, and discovered that we can't agree. After a YEAR of shopping we wound up with a compromise loveseat that we both HATE! So now we just agree on an amount and get separate items. :)
Will you come to India and take pictures of my kids? I LOVE you photos!
It looks so good! Are you coming to the shower on Wed? You do still need to be our friend, even though you moved away!
when our daughter Amy had the same type of clip rings, I took the clips off the rings, and sewed the rings directly on the curtains using upholstry thread.
Hey, you don't know me, but I popped over from Tisha's blog and wanted to help b/c I saw a post on the above blog that may help. Also, in reference to your little boy, my oldest daughter didn't weigh enough to get out of her baby car seat until she was almost 18 months! Just tiny. He's cute. Good luck with the curtains and space between them; I recommend words, directly on the wall or a sign of some sort.
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