Monday was our first day back to school, and Anna's first day in Kindergarten. Now, most mothers would drive their kids to school on the first day, walk them to their classroom and take a million pictures and get a little teary and watch as their children waved goodbye and then go home and have a good cry.
I am not THAT mother.
My kids took the bus to school. I did not meet them at the school and walk them to their classrooms. I did not get even a little bit teary. I just felt relieved.
I did however, take pictures.

Headed off to Kindergarten. Couldn't be more excited. She came home and told me all about her new friends.

Off to second grade. Wow. I have a second grader. I distinctly remember that second grade was the very first time I received a "Will you go out with me? Circle Yes or No." I am certainly not prepared for that. Especially since Abbie already has a best guy friend. Abbie came home and told me she was bored. She's ready to jump in there with both feet and this first couple days of school bit is BORING!

They both jumped on the bus without looking back and I couldn't have been more thrilled. BYE Kids! See you in 7 hours! Thank you public school!
And in the meantime, I get to spend some "quality" which feels like "quantity" time with my boys.

But really, can you complain about this?

Or this? I didn't think so.
Will I cry when ALL of my children head of to school? Possibly. But they'll likely be tears of JOY!
I did cry tears of JOY! ha ha ha. I sent my baby to kindergarten and I thought wow what the hell is wrong with me? I don't really feel all that sad. I did take them to school, but left my camera at home. I took some pics before we left and I did walk Ben into the cafeteria where they wait, but then I skipped out of there with a smile on my face. Enjoy your time with the boys.
I love the running to the bus picture!
i feel like i can breath!! i didn't cry tears of sadness nor tears of joy.....i took a deep breath {uninterrupted} and kids, what can i do????? alot!!! then, i too am a cold hearted mom...good to know i am not the only one;)
The only one I cried over was David, interesting.
I, too, love the bus picture.
And I don't cry either. Probably because I still have 50% of my children at home driving me to drink.
Amen sister! Hooray for public schools! Great pictures! -Tiffany
I love all the pictures! And you lose. You totally took "1st day of school" pictures. Hee!
And I'm sentimental. I didn't cry when Kyle went to K, but I did get teary a few weeks later when he asked me to drop him off a block away from the school.
Kelly, well, that's a whole 'nother issue. Yes. I cried. I STILL get worried/sad/nervous on occasion, but that's for other reasons.
how cute! i love how their backpacks are about half as big as they are...hopefully they don't fall over when the are packed with books :)
im right there with you! i cant wait for my kids to get out of the car in the mornings! i love them but i love them in school!
and with them going for 9 week sthen having 3 off for year round school, it is even better! just when im getting sick of them being around (the 2nd week of off track...which just happens to be be NOW) they go back in a week. and just when i need a break from pushing people out the door at 8am...we go off! what a life i have!
Um...Sept 8th can't come soon enough to our home. I've been counting down the days for a month now.
Your a wonderful mom...dry eyes and all.
If you call that heart-less I'm right there with you. Luke started Kindergarten this week and I didn't shed a tear. I did however, feel a little guilt when other moms said, "what? you didn't cry?" What can I do? I'm proud and excited. He's having fun and so am I!
this is morgan. this post cracks me up. every time i think about it i laugh!
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