We headed out to the rightfully named, "Big Tree Park" where we told the kids we were treasure hunting! Adventure, ahoy!

We got to the site where the Letterbox was supposed to be, and took in The Senator.

That tree was HUGE. Largest tree I've ever seen.

After we admired it's very large size, we went searching for the Letterbox. This is where I need to state the following elements: Florida, swampland, sunset. All these things combine to equal one very daunting force: Mosquitos. So, we looked. And got bitten. And looked. And got bitten some more. And finally, exasperated, we gave up.
But don't worry, I'm pretty sure we found our treasure.

love that last pic...
Is it sorta like geocaching?
SO glad you've got your camera out again. Love that last one.
We are totally going to do this.
it is like geocaching. only without the GPS.
Damon took the boys "treasure hunting" too, with similar results.
I'll have to look into that...fun!
And I, too, love the last pic.
I have a very cool pic of president Calvin Coolidge and his wife, standing in front of "The Senator" at a tree dedication back in the 1920's. Did you let the kids play on the nice playground?
I agree, you did find your treasure!
fun fhe! we played 'sorry' and tried to crush each other.
What great pictures!
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