Yes, folks, I'm at the halfway point now.
People kept asking us whether we had any preferences as to boy/girl, or gut instincts, etc. Matt might be able to honestly tell you that he didn't. I can't lie to my friends that way. Even before this baby was conceived, I had a very clear picture in my mind. I knew. So, I'm not sure if my leanings were colored by preference or gut, but they were there, nonetheless.
I do need to mention, however, that I am overjoyed with a baby of either variety and that my concerns this morning weren't over the sex of the child. I have some overwhelming issues called paranoia and pessimism. I always assume that if something can go wrong, it will. So, this morning I was more excited than anything else to see a healthy baby.
As the ultrasound tech starting poking at our baby's crotch with her magic wand, Matt calls out, "I think it's a boy." I paused. Looked at the screen for about 2 seconds and laughed. WRONG.
Definitely little girly parts. You'd think after 5 kids (and a wife of 9+ years) he'd know what he was looking at!

It's a girl!
I'm a pro at identifying girly parts (I think that I could do ultrasounds by now—I know what a girl looks like and anything else would be a boy, right?).
She looks so great already. I love her little lips in the picture. She certainly has personality.
how perfect. i'm so happy for you.
such an adorable profile shot. congrats
I'm so happy SHE's healthy! I am the same is the number one issue on my mind as I go into the ultrasound. I am always very nervous if they ever slow down and seem like they are looking at something for longer than I think they should. But the sex of the baby is an almost tied second! Congrats to you and Mat.
Yay! I love baby girls.
You make beautiful babies! So excited for you!
WOO! That profile shot is darling!
Congrats again! I am so excited for you.
Congrats! Can't wait to see her cute face!
lucky! with 2 boys, i always love it when someone has a girl! i love all the pink and all the cute scrapbooking paper and the sweet little clothes...
nope, still not going to try for one. but i love thru my friends who have girls!
Congrats on another little GIRL! Yea for your family! -Tiffany
YAHOO!!! I am a pro at the girly part too, at least I'd better be with all the chicks we have hanging around here. Congratulations, Liss. Does this fit with the vision you had in your own head?
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