Miles is addicted to all things electronic.

If it has a screen, he wants to play on it. TV, Wii, Matt's Nintendo DS, Matt's G1 Phone, the computer, an old-school Nintendo GameBoy we've got, movies, even those kiddie laptops. He's even content to just watch you play something. It's pathetic.
And it's nauseating. And I'm SO over it. And it must stop.
He couldn't even pull his eyes away from the screen for two seconds to look at me...

Any advice?
Uh, he's a boy. No advice, just understanding.
Wait! I do have an idea. He might step away from the monitors if you buy him some toy guns :)
Same problem over here. Got any advice for an adult boy?? j/k
Seriously though my boys go through phases of constant nonstop playing of a certain game-I fought it at first, and then I just let them play it constantly. They got it out of their system after about a week. That might not work I realize. . .
dunno, but he's cute!
Try some type of reward system where he has to earn "screen time". You are looking at the genesis of ADHD.
Leave the kid alone and some day he'll rule the world!
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