Day 2. A couple of my friends in my last post, commented about how grown up my nearly 5 year old is looking. Ladies, you couldn't be more right. It's really kind of shocking....

It's so wrong. And her hair is getting SO LONG. She refuses to let me cut it. But is getting better at brushing it herself. It really blows my mind to think that once upon a time she looked like this:

And for those who were wondering if Abbie and Miles were cut from the same stone:

The answer is Yes. Definitely, yes.
These are adorable. I particularly liek the second one of Abbie.
She is so beautiful. And I hadn't realized how much her brother looks like her. So cute!
That first one is GORGEOUS! I love the hair in the second to last one too! cute pictures!
I LOVE that 1st one!!! You have such beautiful children- and you capture them SO well :)
Holy cow, Liss! When did that happen? I hadn't realized how much she and Miles look alike!
Her eye are absolutely gorgeous in the first one...WOW!
They are both so adorable! Great shots. I love the hair.
Wahoo! I was right! Although that science fair photo was the 1st time I'd really seen the similarities between the 2. *sigh* Once Kyle hit 5, he just continued to look more mature each month.
wow. the color in the first one is amazing. the green pops! and she is simply gorgeous. are you sure she's only five? really? c'mon now ... ;-)
Great captures! Love the color and clarity!
I have a photo of my daughter in the bathtub with her hair up just like that! Too cute!!
I love the close-up of her. She's beautiful.
wow, I hope you have those baby pics all labeled! She's just gorgeous :) Crazy how they change from that messy face, crazy haired toddler huh?
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