Don't mind if I do. I've had one pretty much every night since we moved here. Shhh... don't tell my midwife!
Where to start...
#1. Miles is a "bad guy." Or so he likes to tell us. He's also a
Fire Nation Fighter. He will shoot you with anything from a plastic saw to a straw. Lovely. We don't have guns in our house, not real, not play. We don't even have swords. And yet, Miles is boy. Please don't think I'm a bad parent if my two year old runs up to you and says, "I a bad guy, I gonna kiw you." I promise we did not teach it, nor do we encourage it. But my goodness, my little gunslinger (or, you know, table easel slinger) has quite the imagination.

#2 We moved! I know, you know. But someone wanted some pictures. This place is more than I could have deserved, possibly. We LOVE it. I'll point out some stuff...

We have an office! Granted, it's supposed to be an eat-in dining room, but well, you'll see. We have a backyard! Completely fenced in. I can send the kids outside to play in it and well, I don't have to worry that they've made their way out to the road (but even if they did make it out to the road, there's like one car every hour). The lot here is 1/3rd acre and I'm loving it. Matt... mowing... not loving it quite so much, but feels like a man for having a lawn to mow! We got a sweet deal on a lawnmower/weed whacker off Craigslist. The office is currently the only room that isn't unpacked/put together. That would be courtesy of a dead video card (and this whole time we thought it was hard drive issues!)

Ah yes, my kitchen. While it doesn't have more cupboard space necessarily, it does have more COUNTER SPACE. I have miles and miles of space on which I could make cinnamon rolls... or bread... if I made those things, which I don't. So what?! This bar/counter is where the kids eat all of their meals. I LOVE IT. Are you enjoying the hideous blue wallpaper? Yes, the joys of renting. And if I weren't pregnant, I'd look into removing it... however, I am pregnant. What? You didn't get that memo?

See! Even more counter space! Also a ceramic topped stove (which I'm loving!) and another view of the wallpaper. You know you love it.

Yes, it has brand new carpet. While I love the cleanliness of that, it's killing my vacuum, which was on it's last leg anyway. I figure I'll just suck the crap outta the carpet, till my vacuum dies and then I can get me a GOOD vacuum. Donations to the Dyson fund are being accepted.

This is the master bath. I think the notes speak for themself. Glorious. Can you tell that we've been deprived? It's the little things like counter space and outlets that work and lack of rats that make this place 3000% better than the last. Oh, and a couple more things...

Like this for example. My kids. Playing. In a yard. JOY OF JOYS. Also...
Well, I'm a photographer... a natural light photographer. This home, it's got light, baby!

So much light that I don't need to turn on any lights for most of the day. That feels just so good.
#3. I realize that there are going to be a lot of pictures of Miles. Sorry, but not really, because that kid is dang cute. Along with a "bad guy", he thinks he's a gymnast.

He isn't. He's way more likely to be a spastic karate kid. Hi-ya!
#4. Anna also thinks she's a gymnast. However, she's significantly more talented in this area.

I mean, check out that no handed bridge! She can also do a real bridge and a headstand and some funkadelic breakdance moves. She's got talent!
#5. I bush-whacked Miles. Say good-bye to the mop-ish long hair. He's suddenly very hip.

And so freaking cute that I want to eat him.

You can't eat him. He's mine.
#6. I'm starting to get a bit sad about losing Miles's position as baby. Which lead to me taking a long series of pictures of him sleeping in his room. Pathetic. But look at those lashes! And check out my AMAZING natural light!

#7. And yet, my belly groweth. 36wks 2days today. These are a little bit (last week) old.

A view from the top. And a more traditional, blurry picture of me, taken in the mirror.

And my mirror has since been cleaned. Ick.
#8. Anna. Just Anna.

She's a doll.
There's more, but this is ridiculously long. I promise to come back another day, when some of you have caught up. Until then!
I am so happy that you have found such an amazing place. Blue wallpaper and all.
What a gorgeous house! And I'll tell you, I could (almost) kill for some natural light around here. Ditto for the fenced-in yard.
And your kids? Adorable, really.
Looks lovely Liss. Plus it looks like there's actually enough room for the entire (and ever expanding) Eng clan.
I'm so glad you love your place!
Pretty sure we have the same stove and microwave.
I LOVE the new place! Backyards are my favorite invention ever.
I love, love the pictures you take of your kids! Your house looks awesome too:) Natural light is priceless, I told Todd I want sunroofs in our house! You look great BTW, good luck with everything!
SOOOOO glad you're back! Your house is fantastic. Loving the backyard...I got jealous. :( Also, the belly..beautiful! Congrats to everything!
Your children are so CUTE! The place looks great, it looks like you have a lot of room, Alyssa, I am very happy for you. Natural Light rocks!
I'm loving all of your pictures!
It looks like you guys found a fabulous house (and I'm totally drooling over your natural light, fyi). Congratulations!
i love moves- we are actually to FL in june i totally scored some of the skybus tickets for 10 bucks this morning--yeehawww
Congratulations on your new house!!!! How exciting! And you are right - beautiful light!!!! I love your little stories about your kids, too. So so cute!!!
That was an incredibly satisfying post! I"m so jealous of your backyard. And, well, the entire house. *sigh* someday.
And I LOVE Miles' haircut!
Jeez give the boy a gun already or at least a lightsaber!
The Force is strong with this one...
SO happy for you. It's always great to get into a bigger place - and with a BACKYARD!
Two things:
1)I had to laugh when you mentioned eating Miles. Every morning when Andrew (who's real first name is Miles) comes done the stairs I say, "Yummy! Here comes my breakfast." He's just so adorable.
2)We had decided no guns in the house or violent games. When Jake was just under 2, he sat in his high chair and chewed his toast into the shape of a gun and started shooting. From there it has escalated. Let me point out we have NEVER owned and t.v. and I don't keep a sword on my person. Now-after multiple b-day parties for both boys and a grandfather who loves buying things like pickaxes for presents- we have probably 15 guns and 8 swords lurking around. I have lost the battle. Sob.
hey brian... the kid doesn't own a lightsaber b/c your so-called friend (i call him husband) won't let me get him one.
What the crap? I already have three for Zach (Obi-Wan's cause he rules, Mace Windu's because let's be real... purple is awesome and Count Dooku's because his has the awesome bent handle).
Matt what is your problem? You're denying your boy his God given right to bear lightsabers (also in the second amendment's fine print).
Congrats on the new home!! :)
Looks lovely- so bright and fresh :)
Your kids are adorable as ever and you look GREAT!
Congratulations! Sooo jealous of your yard! How are you feeling, pregnancy-wise?
Congrats on the new place! Looks fantastic. And so do you, btw. :-)
Totally envy the light in your place! The light in my house S-U-C-K-S. I have approximately 2 feet of well lighted space to work's awful! I'm with your friend amy...I would (almost) kill for that light!
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