Anna celebrated her 5th birthday on Thursday through Saturday. First, her preschool class had cupcakes in her honor on Thursday, then on Friday (her actual birthday) we took her out for a birthday lunch and then Matt took her Chuck E Cheese's for dinner and some games. On Saturday we had her "Friend Birthday."
You see, I have 4 kids. I'm not throwing 4 friend birthday parties/year. And I don't throw parties at party places. We don't have the money. Period. So, our kids are allowed to have friend birthday parties on their 5th, 8th, 12th and 16th birthdays. We keep it small and simple.
And while Anna's way into girlie princess goblety-gook, I'm not. So, I had seen this book on someone's blog way back in June and decided to make this cake (though I didn't buy the book.) I mean, how hard could it be? I've made some pretty fabulous cakes! And I was right! Check it out:
Yeah, I'm pretty proud of myself.
And so a 5th Rainbow Birthday Party it was!
The kids played Hullabaloo (if you don't own this game and have Preschoolers (3-5 years old), you've got to get it), painted on a huge sheet of paper, and had a treasure hunt.
I think it was one of my more successful kid parties!
And only one kid sat in paint!
The cake is beautiful! Are those skittles?
Girl, you've got skills! The cake looks awesome. Good job.
Cutest cake! I can't believe she is 5! Happy Birthday Anna!
awesome cake! and I love the idea of the birthday's at those ages. We had decided every other year, but I think we may rethink it. Part of the thing that gets to me is all the presents! Hordes of them! I would go for getting that many books, but there is no way you can write on the invitation: "As far as presents go, we are only accepting books....oh, and please see attached list of books we approve of.." (:
Happy birthday Anna!
Love the cake.
The cake looks fabulous! Hullabalu is one our favorite games around here.
Happy Birthday Anna!
Great cake!
What an awesome cake! Happy 5th B-day!
You must be proud of your cake (and you should be, it is beautiful) cuz you have more pictures of it than Anna :)
I have a hard time with the friend birthday parties too. I choose randomly when I want to do them, but I really should set a number like you.
are you sure? five? Really? the cake is adorable, as is the kid. you did good.
That cake is awesome! And I kick butt at Hullabalu. I'm not afraid to shove a kid off a mat to win.
love the cake. Happy October bday!!! I love october!! and have a bday myself :)
I love the rainbow cake and the candles. I've never seen those candles before. Anna is really growing up fast.
you've been given an official blog award... bop over to my got org blog and get it!
Alissa, good job on the cake! It looks so awesome! Thanks for the help with the centigrade. I'm going to be using those conversions alot.
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