Char posted about the tie onesie she made for Bent, after seeing the one I made for Lukie. So I thought I'd give you a better look. Because it deserves it. So so cute.
Yeah, I'm not really sure if I'm talking about the kid, or about the clothes, either.
But I think we could take Bennett in a fight. Or at the very least I'm sure I could convince Lukie to drool on him. Even if he is adorable.
that onesie is great. he really is cute.
Uh, I'm going to have to call it a tie. (Get it!!)
They're both adorable. I am enjoying his long, monkey fingers in the bottom picture- and he's sitting!
so, so cute!
Yeah, he's cute, but at six months my kid weighed 25 lbs. So pound for pound my kid is cuter.
But yours is almost crawling. Sure, my kid walks now but he never crawled, and crawling is very cute. Okay it's a draw.
Love that outfit. I saw that shirt on another blog, and loved it. He really is a doll.
Did you make the babylegs, too?
Amber's punny.
And, I think it'd be a pretty fair know, in the super light weight division.
oh my gosh. i don't care who's kid that onesie is on. it is AWESOME!!
Uh, I clicked on over to Flickr and see that you did indeed make the babylegs. Yer so tricky!
He is adorable!
I love it! Especially with the stripey pants. LOVE stripes.
alissa! hi it's rachelle (merrifield). your kids are adorable and your photography is beautiful. too bad you aren't in CA or i would use your mad skills to photograph my family.
you all look well!
So cute--the clothes and the kid! I attribute all my kid's cuteness to his Italian genes :)
Alissa~ That is so random you found us and especially this week. You are the 2nd person that has done that! Guess you are going to have to take my prop. 8 challenge!! Get on your knees about this one... it is amazing how overwhelmed you will feel! Anyways... email me... Your kids are beautiful... well, the whole family is beautiful! So, who was the family from the 59th ward who came to visit?? KEEP IN TOUCH!!
BLOG like your family depends on it because in fact it does! TAG your it! Please visit my blog and post on your blog. Then tag all your blogging friends... TOGETHER we can educate and spread our testimony about family and marriage between a man and a woman!
Please take a moment to watch this from our church... They said last night that "this will not be limited to California; as it's powerful influence will be felt across the country." THANKS and LOVE YA!
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