Lately, Abbie and Anna have been playing with my best friend's sons alot. Twin 5 year old boys. Their favorite game: "Bad Mega-Dragon". What is this game? We're not entirely sure. We think it involves pretending to kill dragons. Or fight dragons. Or fight each other. And while "boy-play" is more imaginative, it's also more violent! Hello?! Polly Pocket never gets out her lightsaber and slays her best friend because she took her favorite Jimmy Choos!!!
Anyway. Today, right before dinner, I used the last paper towel on the roll, which of course meant it was time for some binoculars. My husband quickly whipped them up and Abbie was off in the back yard, hunting for some animals.
Since I was making dinner, I sent Matt out with the camera. He did a pretty good job! Could've used a higher ISO and shutter speed for sharper pictures, but they work!

First: Those animals don't live in Zoos! Yes, some do, but not all!!! Time for a safari!
Second: We do too have a Zoo in Florida!!! In fact, we live about 20 minutes away. No, I've never taken them. I know, I'm a terrible parent. I'm just waiting until I can afford a membership.
Third: Hello?! Have you no imagination!? You can't pretend you saw some animals?! Geez. Girls!
A couple more pictures for fun.

Love this. I'm anti-Polly myself. lol bu I know that my DD wouldn't be "cool" if she didn't have any. Oh well...:-)
Great story and pics
I really enjoyed hearing your point of view on how girls play and how boys play...from a mommy with 4 boys.
How come your "hold the camera out and snap the picture" pictures work and when I do that they just look like a close up of my nose. Maybe the camera? Maybe the skill level of the photographer? We'll never know, will we?
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