A man who's not ashamed to wear his kid in a sling. Especially while playing
Mario Kart on the DS. Though, he did admit that he wouldn't wear him in public. Pfsht. What a party pooper!

But at least Lucas was sound asleep and my hands were free to make dinner.

Everyone was VERY interested in Mario Kart. Which made making dinner, that much easier.
Let Matt know that my husband proudly wears his in public. I had to buy him his own manly looking sling, but it was totally worth the expense!
How cute!!
That is AWESOME!! Jacob said he'd do it if he had manly looking sling.
woot for mario cart!
I told Kyle he should be more like Matt. He just laughed at me, and then told me to buy him a DS. ROFL
Wow that's a lot of kids.......Maybe we'll get a hotel....
Beautiful pictures - and I don't think the sling makes him look any less manly. Maybe one with skulls an crossbones though?
Some friends of ours back in Arizona are big time sling wearers. Check out this picture of dad wearing TWO of his kids!
that is really sweet.
my kids BEG mike to play Wii. watching him play is like their favorite thing. i don't get it.
that last picture is really great.
That last picture is awesome! You are so blessed!
slinging dads rock
That is what I call multi-tasking. Way to go Matt. A true gamer.
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