But I should have said uber-small. Or diminutive, elfin, itty-bitty, lilliputian, microscopic, miniature, minuscule, minute, negligible, peewee, petite, pocket-size, small, teensy, teeny, teeny-weeny, wee, weeny (copied from Thesaurus.com)
At 5 months old (today), Lucas weighed 12 pounds 1 ounce.

Showing off his after-bath cutes. Too bad this one's not a scratch n sniff, eh?
At 5 months old (today), Lucas weighed 12 pounds 1 ounce.
Showing off his after-bath cutes. Too bad this one's not a scratch n sniff, eh?
He is a super cutie! When do I get to hold him?
Jeez, Zach weighed 23.5 pounds at his six month appointment. He's 14.5 months now and weighs 25.
My kid looks like he ate yours...
Although I look like I ate Matt so there you have it...
So sweet and so tiny!
I miss babies he is such a cutie, Alexia was 12lbs her WHOLE first year!! She weighed 10 almost 11lbs when she was born! The doctors thought I wasn't feeding her, but she ate like a horse (she still does shh dont tell her i said that) I had to keep a food diary and all they thought I lied in it, they could find no problems with her. They thought I was purposely trying to keep her little. but it all caught up with her at 14 months and she gained five pounds in a matter of two months!
so so sweet!! tiny babies are easier to carry :)
He is like the sweetest thing ever. Yum! And I would totally love to do scratch and sniff and smell that sweet baby goodness.
I just love those pictures! That is very tiny! How will you ever get those arm muscles stronger if you're only carrying around 12 ounces? I think I have big muscles (my baby is probably about 18 lbs) but I can't really see them through the fat. :)
I had to go weigh Clara after reading this. 4 months - 16 pounds. :)
Jake's our little one too - 11 months and not quite 19 pounds.
It's kinda fun to have a little one after two super chunkers.
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