I wish I could remember how the conversation came up, but we started talking about college and all the cool stuff you do at college. No, not partying... the cool stuff like living with your friends and making your own food.
Abbie was really not fond of that idea. She never wants to leave my side. And so the crying began.
1. This must be documented. Because in 11 years when she's DYING to get out from under my tyrannical thumb, I will show her this picture and tell this story.
2. I'm evil.
It's the age. It lasts for about a year before they mellow again. I'm in for three years of it straight with some possible overlapping. I know you're jealous. Megan cries about 50 million times a day. When she's not crying she's yelling about how not fair her life is.
HAHAHAHAHAHA! That is hilarious! I want to be around when you bring this up in 11 years.
I'm with Melinda on this one. I totally want to hear the "oh for crying out loud mom?" from her when you tell her this.
Yes - we are there as well. I am feeling better now after reading this post and Amber's comment. Jake is seven, and everything is not fair and worth flying into a rage/sob/accusation fest. He actually stayed home from school today to just get a break and chill.
Good luck!
Ha ha ha ha! Awesome!
DON'T tell her about grad school!
awsome! i always take picuters of my kids crying, too. but Abby's reason wins all. so funny.
Once again I can't help but think that infertility might not be that bad.
HAHA! I also want to be there when she goes the the 'get off my back, mom!"...followed by the "I was young and didn't know better" coming out of her mouth! Oh, and I love that you're daughter is screaming bloody murder and you grab your camera! ;)...Love you!
That is hillarious! You're so awesome!
Too funny!
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