A lot of people have asked to see pictures of my hair. Don't ask me why. Well, perhaps it's because it used to look like
this. But it's certainly not because it's even remotely entertaining. It's boring. Mouse-poop brown and devoid of any natural highlights. So, I present the following:

This was taken by Abbie this morning. Okay, not a full picture of what my hair really looks like, I guess, but you can see the boring color and lame bob-style cut. It is stacked in the back which, in theory, gives it more character, but really, it's just a mom-do. I do have to add that I really like this picture of me... You know how you rarely get a picture of yourself where you say, "Hey, that's what I really look like!" Well, this is one of those occasions. Thanks Abbie!
Now, I've had other requests for um, belly pictures. And truly, I'm all for them. But getting Matt to take some that I like has been a less than popular pursuit. So, finally. I have something to show. 29 weeks tomorrow, folks.

I've got a couple more, but really, I look about the same... and often more pissed. Eh, whatever. There's my belly. Just 11ish weeks left. Still no name leads... got suggestions?
I LOVE that last picture of you--you are beautiful!
those are both great pictures. If I was cute like you when I was pregnant I would have gotten maternity shots.
is that a white glove you're wearing? =P
dude. you're the one with poor exposure M3NG!
You look gorgeous girl. Can't believe that no 4 is only 11 weeks away :) No idea on a boy names - we had a million girl names but that boy name was like pulling teeth.
Miss you, hugs! Syb
You look GREAT! I just got my hair cut this week and it's pretty similar to yours. And it's brown. And I have a big belly. We could totally be twins! (except there's nothing living in my belly, lol)
Actually, your hair color is quite lovely, and it really looks great against your complexion.
Are you having a boy?
I like Linus, Edmund, and Oscar as boy names.
Josette is always a winner for a girl. ;-)
baby #4 and you still look totally hip and hot!
Wow- you look beautiful!
Name suggestions..
Coleman, Mason, Oscar,
Porter, Parker,
Just a few names I like.
Great pics!
Okay, boys names... because I am ever so opinionated about names...not!
Davis Eng
Edwin Eng
Harry Eng
Mason Eng
and just for fun Dance Eng.
you are absolutely beautiful, I wish my hair would look naturally that good! Your prego belly is so cute, wished my belly was that snall and cute when I had my kids
Cute hair! Cute belly!
I like some of the other suggestions...
ask Matt if Mason is M-ish enough for him.
Oh you're so beautiful! I've been waiting for some more updated shots of you. Thanks for sharing! Miss Abbie is a good little photographer too!
My boy is Oliver....you may borrow his name is you wish. :)
I think you should name this one Estewart, after the name that comes on some of husband's mail. It sounds more romantic than just Stewart.
You look so beautiful! Who is your Photographer? Matt must be learning something from you after all! Abby did an awesome job too! Too cute! Lisa
You look flippin' great!
oh my word... you people are too nice! and here i thought you only cared about seeing my kids!
Dude, why did you get all of the hot genes. So not fair.
Look at that cute little belly. Good luck with names, I have 11 days left and still no name!
You are the best looking pregnant lady ever! I'm digging the hair.
Congratulations on your pregnancy! I was on your website a couple of months ago, and thought I recognized that cute body. I love your pictures. I look often for inspiration when I'm in a rut.
:) Teri Hales
You look so lovely! Are you going to do more maternity photos? You SHOULD!
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