And then two years ago, when Lucas was born, these burp pads were at the ready. And Lucas did more drooling than spitting up. Isn't that how it goes?
Now I have no idea if this child will be a "gusher" or not, but I was feeling badly that all my best burp cloths were "BOY". So, I set about fixing that.
Aren't fat quarters the greatest?

The tree fabric is my absolute favorite.
i never thought of dying them! that's an awesome idea.
leave it to your mom-the queen of reuseing everythng-to think to dye them! since i had both boys, that never came to mind.
So cute!!! How did you mom dye them? I'd love to learn how to do that.
Well done!!!! I never would have thought of that. I love the fancy girl look. :)How is it that you are so crafty? Very impressive. ;)
CUTE! And may I say you are "nesting" like you are pregnant or something:).
#1 It wasn't my idea to dye them. Liss came up with the idea, and I just did it.
#2 Check They have a tutorial somewhere in their massive website on how to dye fabric, they also sell the dye.
#3 Liss- you made them absolutely adoreable!! I want to do it again and put those cool fabrics on them to give as gifts!!!
mom, my only recommendation is to wash both the burp cloths and the fabric before you sew them together... otherwise one shrinks and the other doesn't and they get all bubbly/wrinkled... make sense?
Those are way cute!!!
Liss- makes perfect sense.
ps. I have tomorrow off- my day will be spent sewing for Abbie!!!
Those are the cutest burp cloths I've ever seen. And I'm going to try the photo Valentines this year. (By the way I linked to you from Facebook!)
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