= no pictures.
= no blogging until I get a new one.
= sorry!
= old picture share?

I picked up this old tiered basket from my mom's house when I was there in November. It was quite literally in the trash. I brought it home, cleaned it up, and spray painted it RED.
Now, I just need to find a use/purpose for it. Any ideas?
Fru-its? Ooh, bon bons. . .
The card reader INSIDE your camera or the reader you use to upload??
card reader i use to upload...
Use it for Fruit in the middle of your table of counter, it would look B-E-A-U-TIFUL!
Wow- looks much better red than it did white. How did you get it to stop leaning?
i tightened it?
blue and white eggs.
I'm serious.
also? i love it.
like a turqouis blue, not a royal blue.
Wooden balls, decorative of course. It does look very nice red.
really cute fruit basket!?
How 'bout your just fill the whole thing with chocolates (especially those filled with peanut butter) and then sit down and eat them while vacantly staring out the window or watching a movie....
Mmmmmmm....I think that time of the month may be approaching. We'll know for sure if at midnight tomorrow I get a hankering for a huge plate of nachos.
sorry for the TMI. You can handle it though, right?!
That's way cute! I also adore Sabe's idea.
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