Matt decided, after much research, that he wanted a bike trailer. You know, to tow the kids around in. Enter: Craigslist. There's no way we were about to pay for a brand new one. We just don't have that kind of fundage. Plus, we're much happier buying something like this second-hand. So, for $60 we found ourselves the new owners of a sweet little bike trailer that seats two, came with the front wheel to make it a stroller and is just another fun toy in our efforts to transport our entire family. (This is a blog post all its own.)
The 3 older kids LOVE it.
Lucas, however, hated it. HATED.

It was all I could do to just get him strapped into the thing without him trying to tear my face off. He can be quite vicious that way. But, guess what... I was right.
As soon as Matt took off down the street he was nothing but happiness and joy.

And then, of course, he didn't want to get out. Another face shredding experience.
But it was worth it. Look how darn cute he is?!
Looking at the weather outside makes me sooo jealous of you.
he was probably wondering where his helmet was.
that must be fun to use on that bike path out back!
I've been condiering one of these for Kade but I'm quite positive, we would have the same experience...the crying part. only it wouldnt end lol
J hates (or did this past summer) our bike trailer. And he never, ever warms up to it. He screams the entire ride. Or screamed. Dang! I want nice weather and it's activities to be present tense here!
I love that you took pictures of him screaming.
Yea as soon as I get a bike I want to get one of those. it will be easier here in Florida than in Cali, as it felt like everything was a hill in Chico, since there are no hills here..
That is hilarious! I'm glad he had a change of heart. Do you have a bike? Or does Matt have one so this can be an activity you can get out of? ;)
That looks fun!
We love our bike trailor!
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