I will be honest with you. I'm not expecting good things from Lucas when this new baby arrives. He gets jealous when I hold other children. He screams hysterically when we attempt to leave him in nursery, which is why at 22 months old, we have yet to leave him the entire time. It's just not fair to those sweet ladies.
And last week, he tried to bite the fingers off a sweet four month old baby. It was unprovoked. I cried. I cried for that sweet boy and for how awful his mother must think I am. I cried for my new little girl and the impending doom Lucas is sure to bring upon her.

I love this kid. I'm just terrified of him.
At least Lucas is cute. And can I just say, I'm so glad you are posting more frequently! I love it!
Oh dear. I'm nervous for you too. Maybe you can get muzzle and tell him they're all the rage? Oh dear.
For the first year, I truly thought Ewan was going to murder Abric.... in a truly vendetta sort of way. Good luck!
Hey, by the way, I have some cloth diapering paraphernalia that I have only used a couple times. (My kids kept getting rashes. Coy skin is too sensitive, I guess.) Anyway, if you are interested in any of it, let me know. I can send it with your mom when she heads south. :)
I love that picture. Lucas sounds like Tyler- I send my condolences. ;)
Don't blame him or yourself, it just something kids go through. Bear still has his fingers and thats all that matters! Love ya!
I wish I could promise you great results, but all I can do is tell you about my little terror. He's my last, so I don't have to worry about future babies of my own, but I have a great friend who recently had a baby girl and my son dotes on her like they are betrothed or something. He will kick, scream, hit, bite, punch and generally cause great mayhem and destruction, but when he's around her he is so gentle and sweet. I can honestly say that before I saw him with her I was scared for them to be together. I can't trust him around his friends, but around her he is perfect. Our families are very close so we see her quite often, and I often have to watch her/care for her. He hasn't shown any jealousy when I do.
I hope this helps to relieve some of your anxiety. Make sure to keep him busy and make him feel useful. He'll want to please, so praise often. :)
JUat keep that little bugger involved in the care and Im sure he will treat her like his own. Thats what my friend did with her son who was the same way.. He helped so much the first few months that now she gets told when she is doing things the "wrong way mommy, sara dosent like that"
too cute.
It does get better and I'm sure he'll come around to not biting (I teach Kindergarten). Redirect is what I usually do for little ones. My little one just cries "Momma need" all the time in the nursery. So now I stay in there until he is playing happily (lollipops don't hurt).
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